Join Us On Saturday, October 21st and Help Support Veterans In Need.

Bring your pantry items to donate to deserving veterans and their families.
Veteran’s First Home Loans and Century21 Pinnacle have partnered with the Knauss Homestead Preservation Society to bring the community together in support of our vets. We’re gathering pantry items and encouraging financial support for our partner charities to help end hunger for our incredible veterans and their families.
We’re bringing in local artisans, crafters, and makers of all kinds to help create a fun day of shopping, eating great food, and sampling some delicious drinks while supporting a worthy cause.
1:00 PM – 4:00 pm
The Knauss Homestead
152 East Main Street (Rear)
Emmaus, PA 18049
Parking is FREE in the Cintas Lot (See Map)
Attendance is Free. You must be 21 to consume or purchase alcohol.
Our Address:
152 East Main Street
Emmaus, PA 18049
Where to Park:
Attendee parking is in the Cintas Lot. This is the large commercial laundry building visible from Main Street. You’ll see someone directing you to park in that lot. You’ll then see the homestead immediately behind the lot. Do not enter from Knauss Lane.
Live Music From the Jim Steager Band!

come out and spend a beautiful day with us!

Please note that The Knauss Homestead Preservation Society is a tax-exempt, 501-c(3) non-profit organization, and as such we are not accepting politically-based organizations to exhibit at our events.
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